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Social reading, MN modest, and a good review

One of my goals this year is to do more "social reading." After asking my gurus on LM_Net about their choice of social reading sites, I re-activated by Goodreads account. So far I have a whole 11 friends and have shared 27 books there. (Please add me as a friend if you are into adult mysteries, thrillers, science fiction, or historical fiction. I don't read children's or YA books - sorry. My username is doug0077)

Anyway, I put two of my own two books up on Goodreads as well, and in return received this wonderful review from Sarah:

Hello Doug.

I wanted to take a moment write to you in regards to your book, The Indispensable Librarian: Surviving and Thriving in School Libraries in the Information Age, Second Edition which I recently purchased from Amazon.

I completed my master’s degree in Library Science & Informational Technologies two years ago and read a plethora of professional development texts mixed in with my required textbooks. It’s unfortunate that your book wasn’t one of the ones I read while obtaining my degree, because it’s very well written. I can easily follow the chapters with the integrated pertinent information, and have found myself going back through to pull out supporting evidence to show my administrators and colleagues. It’s a great way to validate my position and show the allover importance of a small town school in Maine, and having a full-time K-12 LSM.

The perception of my role has significantly changed since taking on this position, as a school librarian is no longer thought of as someone who stamps books and puts them back onto the shelves. I use my libraries (I oversee two in one building) as an extension of the classroom and also complete a great deal of collaboration with the elementary teaching staff on various projects within their classrooms. I also provide staff with technology-related workshops on using iPads and Web 2.0 elements and applications. 

The contents of your book have provided me with additional means to be effective within my position. I have found myself going back through the chapters that I’ve read and looking ahead to the upcoming ones. I’m very happy with my purchase and thank you for writing such a well-guided professional text.

Wow, not only made my day, but made my week.

Anyone who writes for professional pubication has to have non-monetary motivation. For me, I want all children, especially my grandchildren, to have access to great libraries - school, public, and academic. So maybe, just maybe, my writing is helping.

I've been reading about humble bragging. These are Twitter posts (primarily) that are self-deprecating boasts. So, I ask myself, is this post one of those things? As a Minnesotan at heart, I would hate to think I am immodest. We are, if nothing else (and too often nothing else), self-deprecating. It is nearly painful for many Midwesterners to toot our own horns.  To draw attention to ourselves. To think our shit don't stink. Don't ya know?

As the old joke goes: how do you tell a Minnesota extrovert? He looks at YOUR shoes when he's talking to you.

Anyway, friend me on Goodreads. If you want. And if you don't, that's OK too.

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