Join a learning safari this fall

I am extremely excited to be a part of this learning adventure in Addis Ababa in September. Learning 2.0 conferences describe themselves as:
... not a static “read-only” conference with experts presenting to attendees. The intention is that participants are actively engaged and contributing to the learning that happens at the conference. The name also reveals that it is not technology or tools that is the focus, but learning and teaching. Learning 2.014 website
There is an amazing group of facilitators joining this conference, including my friends Jeff Utecht and Kim Cofino with whom I had the pleasure of working in Bangkok a few years ago. I am also very pleased to see many educators working in African schools leading "extended sessions" as well.
Registration is going well already with participants from three continents.
This is will be my fifth trip to Africa - the first since the AISA conference in Nairobi in 2010. That conference, while more traditional in terms of keynotes, breakout sessions, etc, was absolutely fascinating. I've never encountered a more compassionate group of teachers, librarians, technologists, and administrators working under some very challenging conditions.
I also used to the trip to do a little sightseeing - an 8 day hike up Kilimanjaro. If anyone is interested, I plan to extend my stay in Ethiopia a week after the conference to do some trekking again (less taxing than Kili). Let me know if you have an interest forming a group to see some history and do some day hiking.
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