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The teacher-librarian's role in 1:1


LaGarde, Jennifer and Doug Johnson. “Why Do I Still Need a Library When I Have One in My Pocket?: The Teacher-Librarian’s Role in 1:1/BYOD Learning Environments." Teacher-Librarian, June 2014.

I was delighted last week to receive the June 2014 issue of Teacher-Librarian magazine in which Jennifer LaGarde and my article appeared. Jennifer and I make a great team - she does the work and I take the credit. 

Anyway, if your schools has or is planning to have a 1:1 or BYOD environment and you are a librarian or supervise one, get access to this issue and this article! 

Very proud to have worked with LibraryGirl on this and forthcoming book on the same topic.

Articles I have previously published in Teacher-Librarian aka Emergency Librarian:



Graphic by Jennifer LaGarde.

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