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Rorschach test of educational priorities: your school library

I visit quite a few schools and one of the first places I visit is the library/media center/learning commons. For me, it's a quick Rorschach test of a school's values and climate.

The picture above is the elementary library at the International Community School (ICS) in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Even at a quick glance, I can tell by looking at this facility that this is a school I'd be happy to have my grandchildren attend. The library:


  • has kids in it. Productive, engaged, kids using the library's print and technology resources.
  • looks to have a well-stocked collection of carefull chosen books.
  • has a warm and inviting atmosphere, with colorful and fun furniture and wall decorations.
  • has a staff that was available, friendly, and helpful to me as a visitor and to the students themselves.


This tells me that the school values children's personal interests. That it balances technology with print literacies. That it recognizes that not all learning has to be at a desk in a group with 24 other children, all facing the same way. That it knows there are other ways to improve reading scores and test results than drill, test prep, and programmed instruction. 

And that a love of learning is as important as skills and knowledge.

Maybe I am reading too much into a ten minute visit, but I'm pretty good a first impressions. And ICS made a good one.

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