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True size of Africa

We Americans on the whole are woefully ignorant of world geography - even the best educated of us. If asked to name the provinces of Canada or identify Uganda on a map or tell which countries border Laos, I'd flunk the test.

Even so, I was surprised by how many people warned me about traveling to "Africa" (referring to it as though it were a country rather than a continent) certain I would contract Ebola immediately on landing.  

The outbreak of Ebola is in West Africa; Ethiopia is in East Africa. The center of the Ebola outbreak is closer to Paris than to Addis Abeba. Inter-country transportation is difficult.

In respect to Africa's size, compare this old Mercator projection in which Greenland and the entire African continent are roughly the same size:


to the Homolosine projection that tries to keep land mass right sized:

Kind a hard to even find Greenland in this map.

As much as I believe students should be able to find information and solve problems and construct meaning, I also believe that they need a foundational knowledge (cultural literacy?), that grounds their knowledge making. 

John Wooden once said that the two most important words in the English language are love and balance. A good education is all about balance. 





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Reader Comments (2)

Hello, my name is Hannah Armstrong, and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. While reading your blog post, I realized just how much I don't know about geography. When I was in high school, we learned geography, but it was not a main focus. Teachers were more worried about things like English and Math. Now that I think about it, did I not have a well balanced education? I know that if you asked me to tell you about Africa, all I would be able to tell you is that it's a continent. To me, that is said. It also makes me question the education I got.

September 25, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterHannah Armstrong

Hi Hanna,

Do any of us really get a balanced education? Ultimately we are responsible for our own educations.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment,'


September 26, 2014 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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