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Using tech to save face


save face:

Avoid humiliation or embarrassment, preserve dignity The Free Dictionary
Nobody really likes being told what they are doing is wrong. Especially if they've been doing it for a very long time and their self-worth is dependent on their doing it.

Yet when we encourage teachers to change their teaching practices - to do less whole class instruction, less lecturing, fewer summative assessments and to do and more individualization, more hands-on activities, more formative assessments - aren't we in fact saying "You've been doing it all wrong"?

Can technology allow teachers to "save face" in the change process? I am not terribly sure technology actually allows a teacher to do anything that could not have been done in a non-tech environment. Couldn't we have always differentiated instruction despite not having LMSs and iPads and such? Of course.

But if I am asked to do something new, I'd like to be able to say, "I'd have done this long ago - had I had the technology! Now that the technology is available, of course I can ___________________."

Effective change efforts are about 99% psychological - and maybe 1% planning and technology.

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