BFTP: Top 10 Social Media Competencies for Teachers

It's always a happy day when I see something I've written improved upon by another person. Embellishment, re-mixing, re-design, whatever, it's wonderful - and Med Karbach's inforgraphic on his Educational Technology and Mobile Learning blog is no exception. Enjoy!
What are The Top Ten Social Learning and Educational Networking Competencies for K-12 Teachers?*
- Help students use educational networking tools to solve information problems and communicate digitally with experts, peers and instructors.
- Know the major Web 2.0 categories and tools that are useful in the K-12 setting. Know which tools are provided/supported by one's school.
- Use educational networking sites to communicate with teaching peers, students and parents.
- Navigate, evaluate and create professional content on networking sites.
- Use online networking to create, maintain and learn from a personal learning network - AND their students.
- Know the district networking guidelines, follow netiquette, conform to ethical standards and interact appropriately with others, especially students, online.
- Understand copyright, security and privacy issues on social media sites and share these understandings with students and professional colleagues.
- Understand the importance of identity and reputation management using social media and help students understand the long-term impact of personal information shared online.
- Create and follow a personal learning plan to stay informed about developing trends, tools and applications of social media.
- Participate in the formulation of school and district policies and guidelines related to educational networking and social learning.
Et tu, readers? What should make your Top Ten list?
* This idea stolen from modeled after:
Top Ten (10) Social Media Competencies for Librarians (by Dean Giustini)
- Understand, explain and teach others about the main principles and trends of web 2.0 (and library 2.0)
- List major tools, categories and affordances of social networking sites
- Apply social media to solve information problems, and communicate digitally with users
- Use social networking sites for promotional, reference and instructional services in libraries
- Navigate, evaluate and create content on social networking sites
- Follow netiquette, conform to ethical standards and interact appropriately with others online
- Explain copyright, security and privacy issues on social media sites to colleagues and user communities
- Understand the importance of identity and reputation management using social media
- Explain related terminology such as collaboration 2.0, remix and open source
- Renew social media competencies, advocate for institutional strategies and policies and build evidence base in social media
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