@yourlibrary slogans not recommended by ALA

Top Ten @ your library slogans not recommended by AASL
10. fool the security system @ your library
9. find books that don't suck @ your library
8. pull the fire alarm @ your library
7. surf for porn @ your library
6. take a nap @ your library
5. download a term paper @ your library
4. wedgies @ your library
3. scan your butt @ your library
2. hack and chat @ your library
and the number one @ your library slogan not recommended by AASL:
1. get lucky in the stacks @ your library
Thanks to Rocco Staino, Terry Young, and Carl Harvey for their professional expertise in creating this list.
Creative minds, please add yours..
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And don't forget,
Meet Doug Johnson @your library
Weed@your library - although only the librarians will get the double meaning there.
You're my kind of librarian!