Yes, I will unfriend you if you are a Trump supporter

The following graphic showed up on my Facebook feed a few days ago:
In a normal election, I could buy into this. An election based on ideas and values and different paths to a better future for our country.
But sadly, this is not a normal election.
I have always defined politics as values put into action. And I myself cannot be categorized as a Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal, libertarian or whatever the opposite of liberaraian might be. Happily in the past I have felt I could vote for the major candidate of either party and feel like I was voting for a decent human being.
But with Mr. Trump, this is not the case. (Yes, Hillary has some issues, too). This is a man who I would not leave alone in a room with my children or anyone else's. This is the school-yard bully. This is the kid who when he sees he is not winning, tips over the game board. This is a man who makes me feel embarrassed to be male. Embarrassed to be an American. If you support Trump, you are opposing every value I hold dear.
If you support Trump I will unfriend you on Facebook. I will unfriend you period.
This is not about politics. This is about what it means to be a decent human being.
Reader Comments (8)
Thank you for saying this, posting this, believing this. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Good, I still get to be your friend!
I don't think we are currently Facebook friends, so I don't have to worry about that. I expect that we will still be able to maintain a professional relationship.Great post by the way...
The only positive for Trump, he makse me glad I gave up my US citizenship in 1981 to become a Canadian. (Of course I became a Canadian to vote a against Trudeau the 1st. I thought he was becoming a big jerk. Leave it to some Yank to out do a Canuck!)
Agreed. It's a shame about my work friends though. Two people I liked now are just, well, people I work with but that's all now. I just can't talk to them the same way anymore. I feel like it's a shame but at the same time I guess it's good I found out what they're really like.
I agree with your passionate disapproval. Some of my real-life friends put pro-Trump/anti-Hillary things up that drive me crazy. I still can't bring myself to hold it against them enough to cut the chord with them. I respect the courage it takes for educated people to continue to support their beliefs even when their representative/spokesperson is a train-wreck. Our government needs to adapt and improve. I hope we never see an election like this again and I fear that if we dismiss and ignore those opposed to Democrats (and therefore forced to be pro whatever other choice there is), frustration, anger, and mistrust, will grow. Politics will degrade more and more into popularity contests that will yield leaders who aren't qualified to lead or motivated to improve our country.
What scares me is what would happen if 90% or more of the eligible voters showed up at the polls every year. The 40% or so of those who never vote might change the face of political leadership in a very ugly way. We need to try and engage and guide them as much as possible.
I just unfriended my first one yesterday. It felt good! Curious you your thoughts of family with these same views? Maybe I "unfollow" until the election is over???
Hi Jen,
Family is tough. I suppose with family I would ignore - I suppose it would depend if it was my brother or a second cousin. While I find most of my relatives a little more conservative than I am, I haven't seen any Trump supporters yet. But then I am pretty lucky when it comes to all my Facebook friends - no need to unfriend any yet!