How did you use your computer in school today?

My article "How did you use your computer in school today" is now available online at Education Technology Insights, April 2016, p 25. Share as you'd like!
All banner artwork by Brady Johnson, professional graphic artist.
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My article "How did you use your computer in school today" is now available online at Education Technology Insights, April 2016, p 25. Share as you'd like!
Reader Comments (1)
I felt my web page was static. I created a facebook page for my school. Parents have grown to love it. Kids also love seeing themselves and the work they do as learners every day. I feature class trips, contest winners, plays, events, philanthropic endeavors and more. I am the principal of the school and the administrator of the page. I take the pictures, I post them I answer the comments. I love the personal connections it has fostered in my communi