The blessing of a snow day

You have to work in schools and live in the northern parts of the United States to understand the real meaning of "snow day." While for parents needing to find childcare it must feel like a curse, for school employees it is a true blessing...
- It is God giving you an additional day of life.
- It is looking out the window and seeing beauty in the snow and wind rather than work.
- It is getting to that movie, that book, or that task that would have eaten up a weekend - guilt free.
- It is gettting to see why the birdseed in the feeders drops during the day.
- It is digging out and fixing a favorite soup recipe that takes too long to make on most days.
- It is not being jealous of your colleagues' weather in the South - for at least one day.
- It is remembering the delight of having a snow day when you were a kid.
- And the best thing - it is not setting the alarm knowing tomorrow will be a snow day as well.
Do I sound insufferably smug and happy? Good. I am.
Bird feeders before dawn...
Reader Comments (2)
I have to disagree. Snow days just delay summer vacation.
I'd rather work when it's cold.
But hey. Enjoy the snow. :-)
Hi Dave,
Luckily, we have at least a couple "snow days" built into our school calendars. We can miss a couple days without having to go longer the spring/summer.