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My autobibliography

I plan to retire from my day job next summer. Unless I am fired first, I guess.

Anyway, in looking for ways to economize as all the expert "wealth management" folks advise, I have begun transferring storage and access to my published writings off the commercial webhosting site I have been using and on to a Google Site.

The move has brought home to me just how damn much writing I've done since 1990. (A children's story in Cricket Magazine and a column in School Library Journal were my first publications at the ripe old age of 38.) Surprisingly to me, I've since written 149 additional articles, talks, book chapters, editorials, and posters since them. I submitted two articles this month to Educational Leadership and CIOReview. I'm slowing, but not stopping. You can find my autobibliography* of articles here.

I am also in the process of moving all 246 columns I have written during this time as well. It's a slow process since I find my own writing to be amusing and have to re-read a lot of the old stuff.

All except for Machines Are the Easy Part; People Are the Hard Part, you will need to actually purchase my 7 my books. (9 if you could 2nd editions.) And of course there are the 2916 Blue Skunk blog posts (2917 when I publish this one) I've written since 2005.

An old article "Why I Write for Publication" still reflects my motivation for writing. And the reasons are all pretty much work related. As retirement nears, I plan on writing to still be a part of it. I'm not much interested in writing a novel or short stories. Seems there are plenty of grumpy old guys already writing and travel writers don't seem to be in short supply. I have a few months to find a niche. 

*I think I coined this meaning!

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Reader Comments (4)

“since I find my own writing to be amusing and have to re-read a lot of the old stuff”. - I find your writing amusing as well — as well as enlightening and thoughtful. Don’t stop.

October 12, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterFloyd Pentliln

Thanks, Floyd. Writing's too much a part of my blood to probably ever stop. Perhaps long-winded travelogues!

All the best,


October 12, 2018 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

Looking forward to reading your writing post-retirement, Doug!

October 13, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Townsley

Congratulations on your upcoming retirement! I continue to enjoy your blog posts.

October 14, 2018 | Unregistered CommenterLibby

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