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What will your grandchildren see and experience?


The photo above was taken during an Alaskan cruise in August of 2019. It is a vivid example of the gorgeous, unspoiled scenery of the Tongass National Forest as seen from Misty Fjord. I was moved by the beauty and serenity of the area during the week we spent slowly drifting through the area on the small ship, by kayak, and on inflatable skiffs. When we took hikes ashore, we were on our best ecological behavior, leaving not trace of our being there.

While I try to stay away from politics on this blog and social media in general (well, maybe life in general), I could not help but react to the following story: Trump pushes to allow new logging in Alaska's Tongass National Forest, Washington Post, August 27, 2019. This is just one of what is reported to be many reversals of environmental rules that the current administration has implemented. More than tariffs or North Korean bluster or self-serving tax policy changes, the potential impact on the environment has a concerning long-term impact on the country (and world).

When it comes to politics, I try to apply the "grandpa" filter in determining my reaction to a program, proposal, court-ruling, or law. In other words, how will my grandchildren's world be better or worse in 20 years for the decisions being made today.

Our society's need for instant gratification needs to be counter-balanced by long-term thinking. Is it nice to have a tax reduction today? Of course - more trips, more ice cream, more shopping for clothes we don't really need. But what if that tax reduction results in a national debt that will be born during my grandsons' working years? Low gas tax vs. crumbling infrastructure. Underfunded schools vs educated workforce. We show our love of future generations by looking into the future.

Put on on your grandparent glasses the next time you read the newspaper or look at your newsfeed. Maybe by doing so, our grandchildren can experience the Alaskan wilderness and the good life as well.

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Reader Comments (2)

Well said! I don't plan on being a grandpa for at least five years but practice makes perfect. Great to hear you are enjoying your retirement...

September 5, 2019 | Unregistered CommenterKenn Gorman

Hi its a small review about "National Library in kolkata India" Please share your thoughts.

September 20, 2019 | Unregistered Commenterruma

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