An advent of gratitude in a tough year

Christmas dinner 2017
Like many of us, I will not get to have a Christmas dinner with my children and grandchildren this year. I was respectfully requested to postpone any travels to their homes until after the holidays. I get it. I really do. But I will miss making "Tastes Like I Died and Went to Heaven" dessert, opening gifts together, and, well, just enjoying their company. Zoom is not the same.
Each time I experience a family gathering, I am reminded of how fortunate I am. We are a drama-free group who all genuinely seem to not just love, but actually like each other, which is, I believe, more rare, and perhaps even more important.
An Advent of Gratitude
Most Advent Calendars present us with a gift each day leading up to Christmas. The purpose of this Advent of Gratitude is to remind us of the gifts we already have, what we often take for granted, what we can and should be grateful for. Each daily reminder includes a suggestion for payment, a small monetary gift that in 24 days will grow into a donation, payable to a charity of your choice. At the end of this challenge, please donate to a charity, preferably somewhere local, that serves those less fortunate than you.
Day 1- Pay .25 for each woman in your family who graduated from high school.
Donation time!*
I've thought about this list a lot lately. As a volunteer, I drive older adults to medical appointments and deliver groceries to them. So many seem to have no family, no friends, very small, basic apartments, and little income. Even more disturbing is driving past homeless tent camps in St Paul and Minneapolis on my way to or from these folks' homes. I have so very, very much in comparison. I wonder if a homeless person struggling to stay wam in their tent looks at me in the same way I look at the latest movie star or politician who had purchased a mansion?
So I should anti-up my donations, not just at holiday time, but every day of the year. And be simply grateful.
*Personally, I would add to the list above donations for
- how many friends and family members you have spoken to in the last week.
- how many time you've been able to exercise.
- how many organizations or activities you participate in.
- how many neighbors you know.
- how many Christmas cards you've sent and received.
- how many days you wake up without pain or discomfort
- how many times you've been able to afford getting your teeth cleaned this year
- how many plans you have for 2021
- how few things you desire on Amazon
- how few people you envy
- how many good books you've read this year
- how many good jokes you've heard
Reader Comments (2)
Since we're not doing gifts this year, we were already planning on a larger donation to a local food bank. Your post just made me realize how much more we could share this year. Thanks, Doug, and Merry Christmas!
Hi Mary,
Thanks for the comment. Recognizing all the things one should be grateful for makes a person happier, too.
Have a great Christmas,