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Rules for idiots, scofflaws, and science-deniers


We are blessed in the southern metro area of the Twin Cities of Minnesota to have an abundance of parks. Literally dozens of city parks, county parks, regional parks, and state parks are less than a 45 minute drive from my home. Walks around lakes, ponds, streams, and rivers on dirt paths, board walks, and hard surface trails accommodate many types of walkers. If you feel like adding a few hills to your workout, they're easy to find. Want a flat stroll around a lake, no problem. How about a scramble up a bluff fo a dramatic view of the Mississippi? No one needs to get bored doing the same-old, same-old tired route around here.

During the pandemic "shelter-in-place" orders, the popularity of every park in which I hike has increased dramatically, especially during the week. Families with small children, trail runners, birdwatchers, and backpack wearers all use the trails. The closing of work places, restaurants, stores, movie theaters, etc. has not left just a hell of a lot of things to except get outside. Mother Nature has even teased ys with a few pleasant days in the 50's and 60's.

Happily, with exception of a few boardwalks over marshy areas, the parks are big enough and trails wide enough that allowing a 6+ foot distance between you and the potential Typhoid Mary/Mike you are passing is not a problem. The vast majority of park users are polite, deferential, and do their best to honor the recommendations of the state to maintain distances and not gather in groups. 

Most. But even in Minnesota we have our share of idiots, scofflaws, and science-deniers. 

So government officials are removing the basketball hoops in our local parks. Beaches are closed for the summer already. Golf courses are not open. I worry that the entirety of our large, open parks will be next because the morons will continue to be a health risk to themselves and others.

I get the need for caution. I don't want to be either the victim or the perpetrator of a COVID-19 transmission. But I also want (and need) the mental and emotional health that my treks in nature help me maintain. But somehow I don't think closing the parks will add much safety to our environment. See Plato's observation above.

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Reader Comments (1)

Totally agree - I just hope some crazy politician doesn't see me walking every morning and ask me to either go home or try to hand me a ticket. I need to practice saying 'my name is Warren Peace and I live at 123 Main Street".

April 16, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterKenn Gorman

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