BFTP: Achieving consistent happiness

Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so.
John Stuart Mill
I don't tend to be anxious, stressed, depressed, bored, or angry the great majority of the time. So by default, I must be a happy person. Quite honestly, I don't spend much time analyzing my happiness level - I tend to focus more on how productive I've been.
For those who are looking for ways to become happier, I'd endorse the recommendations of Joel Gascoigne who wrote "6 things I do to be conistently happy." He recommends:
- Wake up early.
- Exercise daily.
- Have a habit of disengagement.
- Regularly help others.
- Learn new skills.
- Have multiple ways to "win" each day.
Read the whole post. It's worth your time.
Like Joel, I believe my happiness is a direct result of doing most of the things he lists on a daily basis. I'd also add the following habits:
- Have an interesting book to read and find some time each day to read it.
- Have something to anticipate - a trip, an event, etc.
- Spend discretionary money on experiences rather than material goods.
- Take a lot of photographs, especially of your kids and grandkids, and look at them.
- Indulge in a guilty pleasure without feeling guilty.
- Maintain a regular schedule.
- Always have a project or two that challenge you.
- Be less critical of both yourself and other people (I think the two are related in some way.)
- When given a new task at work, look at it as job security and a chance to learn rather than a burden.
- Enjoy your own company when alone. Turn off the apps, TV, and radio - and think, fanaticize, plan, and dream.
Nothing very profound here. But it seems to work for me.
What do you do each day that makes you a happy person?
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