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BFTP: Bad habits that drive coworkers crazy

Since I am retired (and not-working from home), I don't get much chance to annoy my coworkers anymore. But things will get back to normal one day...

You may not realize it, but there's a good chance you're doing at least one thing that drives your co-workers nuts. Brooke Howell, 7 Bad habits that are driving your co-workers crazy,

A printed version of the article quoted above showed up in the office lunchroom one week. I don't think it was directed at me personally, but it was a good reminder that one's personal habits may put others off. These are the habits that Howell listed: [Comments in brackets are mine.]

  1. Making an unreasonable amount of noise. [I personally needed to remember to shut my office door or use headphones more often.]
  2. Causing chaos on conference-calls. [My problem is not causing trouble, but staying focused. How do you contribute without sounding like you are interrupting?]
  3. Being a source of strong smells. [Both good and bad. This includes food as well as person.]
  4. Engaging in excessive chit-chat.
  5. Doing things that gross people out. [Are any of us ever aware of these habits and if we were would we continue to do them?]
  6. Touching too much or in unwanted ways. [Personally, I miss a friendly hand on the shoulder or arm, but in today's world...]
  7. Invading others' personal space. [Remember the size of personal space is culturally driven.]

I would add a few to this list..

  • Not meeting deadlines.
  • Whining.
  • Eating at one's desk.
  • Using poor grammar and spelling in communications.

My sense is that more of us working in cube farms led to a higher level of awareness about how our (usually unconscious) actions impact others. I was lucky to work with a very good staff and in buildings that seemed 100% comprised of professionals. Lucky me, since addressing bad habits that impact others was not a favorite part of my being a supervisor.

And the bad habits that you, dear readers, find most annoying?

Original post 12/7/15


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