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BFTP: I long to know a lot of things

I long to know a lot of things.
With curiosity I'm cursed;
But teacher tells me that I must
Complete my education first. - Rebecca McCann


The little verse and Calvin strip above perfectly illustrate why I was much happier as a school librarian than I was as a classroom teacher.  In my seven years as an English teacher, I don't know that I ever encountered a student who really wanted to read Lord of the Flies or write a five-paragraph expository paper. Perhaps there are some out there, but the best I expected and got from kids was quiet acquiesce, an understanding that learning the mandated curriculum was a hoop through which one must jump to get to one's third year of college when the course work became meaningful and relevant.

But the library was different. Yes, kids used it to meet classroom requirements, but we pre-Internet subversive librarians also made sure the collection included resources on topics that we knew kids loved - sports and romance and science fiction and pop culture. As a librarian, I worked with kids who actually enjoyed learning.

There are, of course, genius classroom teachers who have always found clever ways to personalize the standard curriculum and experience the joy of working with willing readers, writers, researchers, and creators. Somehow we need to help every classroom teacher acquire this ability.

Or make the whole school a library.

Original post 1/13/17

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Reader Comments (2)

Since starting my "official" teaching career back in the late 1990's, I have mostly taught electives. Knowing that students chose this class over required core classes has, I believe, made me a better teacher. Knowing that they made the decision to spend their time in my class makes me want to give them a great experience.

August 26, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterKenn Gorman

Hi Kenn,

I'd not thought about that when it comes to electives, but it makes sense. I know my son didn't care for or do well in core classes, but loved art and any class that was "hand's on." He now had a BA in Graphic Arts and works as a professional designer. Nice when we give kids choices and it's great when we recognize they honor us when they choose our classes.


August 26, 2020 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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