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Do you really want EVERYONE to vote?



From Tim Stahmer's Assorted Stuff blog, The Choice is not Between Candidates, August 26, 2020.

Tim writes in the post linked above about these charts:

Certainly a few of those people had very good reasons for not voting. A not-insignificant number were excluded from voting due to antiquated laws and active suppression activities.

However, the vast majority of that slice failed to cast a ballot because they were apathetic to any consequences of their inaction. I’m sure if you asked, they will offer a variety of excuses, but none of them will be valid. Their reasoning will all boil down to simple indifference.

So, the real choice in this election is not between two candidates, parties, or ideologies. It’s a contest between a functioning government run by rational, responsible adults, and indifference.

I agree with Tim wholeheartedly. What I wonder is if Tim is not actually getting his wish. I don't WANT indifferent people voting. I only want informed (Fox or NYT), passionate, thoughtful people voting of every class, color, location, and income level. 

Ideally, our society, with major help from our educational systems, would assure every citizen not only can vote, but wants to vote, understanding its importance. Aspirational, for sure.

Non-voters, it's fine with me if you stay home. Eventually you will pay the price for your apathy. And those of us who do care, our votes will count even more.


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Reader Comments (3)

AGREE! I watched as my youngest daughter filled out her voter registration card last night.

August 31, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterKenn Gorman

To be fair, I don't think I said I wanted indifferent people voting either. Did I? :-)

Like you, Doug, I'd love for those people to pay closer attention to what's going on in the government they're paying for, especially at the local level. And that is something schools definitely need to be involved with.

August 31, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterTim Stahmer


I am guessing your daughter has had a good example in her parents!


Hi Tim,

No, you did not say you wanted indifferent people to vote. I think we both agree that would not be in the country's best interest. I guess I am just more cynical than you about how possible it will be to make the indifferent, different! I really liked your post and it stayed on my mind for a couple days after reading it.

Worrying about this election,


September 1, 2020 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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