Can one be pragmatically anti-racist?

I recently finished Robin DiAngelo's book White Fragility. It's a tough book to review since a basic argument the author makes is that if you disagree with anything she expounds, you are racist. But she also states that every white person is already racist. And, despite any changes in our views or behaviors, we will remain forever racist. I don't remember ever before reading such a bleak, misanthropic (and misogynist) view of a group of human beings. Were I to stereotype a minority in the same way DiAngelo stereotypes whites, I would be rightfully called out as a bigot, if not an idiot.
As I read, I kept hoping the author would present the characteristics and actions of enlightened "woke?" white people and give some examples of them. And offer some actions we can take to lessen our support of unfair social norms in place. The best she can do is say, "think deeply about your racism" and look up solutions for yourself.
I may may indeed be both fragile and racist. A speaker I once heard explained that human beings actions are subconsciously driven by the need to perpetuate our own DNA. (I think she called herself a socio-geneticist.) This made sense to me - my first determinant in making any choice is deciding how it will impact my family.
To the degree we are "family" first in our actions, I find it difficult to believe that whites who now enjoy the privilege of a living wage, adequate housing, safe neighborhoods, and political stability would be will to sacrifice any of those things to achieve racial balance. I am not saying this is moral - I am saying it is realistic.
I also believe, from a socio-genetic POV, that social and economic equity for all people is in my family's best interest. My grandsons have a better chance of thriving in a country in which all people are successful and happy about the society in which they live. A country (and world) that does not see happiness/wealth/power as zero-sum games will be a better place to live. Increasing equity will happen when those on the lower end of the socio-economic scale rise, not when those who are now comfortable are lowered.
How then might a white pragmatist be anti-racist? Personally...
- I support high quality education for all people and acknowledge that educating many children, especially those in poverty, will require vastly more resources than are now being spent.
I will support and vote for those politicians who wish to advance equity and support political voices and power for persons of color.
- I will look for and appreciate the common human values all races and ethnicities share (to the best of my limited knowledge). Maslow's Hierarchy seems a good starting point.
- I will support plans for reparation that are based on multi-generational approaches to achieving racial economic equity.
- I will try to have the courage to call out those who are racist in their speech and actions.
Seems like a pathetically short list. But perhaps it is a start.
I have always felt introspection alone will not bring any change in the world (sorry, Ms DiAngelo). Raised consciousness must be accompanied by deliberate action. Fellow old white guys, what can we actually DO?
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