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BFTP: Pause a moment

Pause for a moment...

  • Put some air in your tires
  • Check your map
  • Play a game that your kids play
  • Accept thanks for something without over analyzing
  • Read the funnies in the newspaper
  • Take a walk
  • Look at old pictures of your kids
  • Park in space farthest from the entrance
  • Stop at the DairyQueen
  • Plan your dream vacation
  • Give somebody else time to figure it out for themselves
  • Call your mom
  • Kiss your grandchild on the top of his head and find her a cookie
  • Wear your oldest sweatshirt
  • Have two glasses of wine instead of just one
  • Read an old-favorite book
  • Take out the earbuds and enjoy the birds
  • Catch your breath

These past 12 months have been especially stressful for many, many people in ways this old retired guy can't even imagine. But one thing I have learned perhaps worth passing on, If you get to the big stuff five minutes later, it won't make any difference in the long run. 

Original post 12/1/18

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Reader Comments (1)

...especially number four...

February 1, 2021 | Unregistered CommenterKenn Gorman

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