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The moderate's solution to daylight savings time


Push back against Daylight Savings Time seems to be especially strong this year. Or perhaps the press is just getting used to stoking any discontent available.

I have to say that I find DST somewhat annoying, but nothing that rises to the level of writing my congressional representative or local newspaper editor. Yeah, it’s sort of a pain to change the clocks (those geriatric models that still don’t update themselves) and adjusting one’s sleep cycle to going to bed and getting up a little later (or vice versa). One a scale of one to ten, my discontent is about two.

So why even write about this topic? To me this is the perfect problem that calls for a solution from the radical center - one that is sure to make people angry on both sides of an argument.

From what I read, just about everyone wants to do away with this time shift. The controversy seems to be about whether the permanent shift gives us the extra daylight in the morning (standard time) or in the evening (DST).  I personally like the sun coming up a little earlier, but I can also understand why golfers might like the extra light in the afternoon.  Both sides seem to be able to make a case that the health and safety of people improves with either earlier or later sunlight  - melatonin, traffic accidents, etc. 

So here’s my modest centerist proposal - let’s reset all of our clocks just 30 minutes forward next spring - and leave them there forever. Neither the early birds nor the night owls will get everything they want, but everyone gets a little.

I really don’t understand why I’ve not read this solution before. It’s brilliant, if I do say so myself. 


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