I don't want the government to tell ME what to do

But it's OK for government to tell YOU what to do.
A too-common response to the regulations imposed on individuals to slow the spread of the COVID19 virus is: "“The government” shouldn't be telling me what to do!" It's my "right" not to wear a mask (or wear it below my nose), get a vaccination, distance, avoid big gatherings, etc.
I sort of get it. I don't like government telling me I HAVE to wear a seat belt, I HAVE to obey a speed limit, I CAN'T shoot firecrackers (in MN, anyway), I HAVE to pick up my dog's poop, I HAVE to drive a car that meets safety standards, I HAVE to send my children to school, etc.
“Government” is, of course, shorthand for any type of authority. The city tells me what kind of garbage containers I must use. The county zoning board won’t let me build a hog confinement operation in my backyard. My homeowners association dictates the color siding I can put on my house. The church tells me who I should or should not sleep with. Parents and teachers have behavioral expectations to which even very young children object.
The rules of society as enforced by “the government” can seem over blown. I remember my disappointment the last time I visited Sylvan Lake in the Black Hills and found jumping from the rocks near the swimming beach was forbidden, having fond memories of doing so on earlier trips and wanting to share that experience with my grandsons. Not being able to climb the grand pyramid at Chichen Itza diminished the experience when revisiting. Not being able to buy recreational marijuana in Minnesota feels very parental. And hey, shouldn't I be a good enough judge of knowing when I've had too much to drink to drive a car?
For most rational people, regulations like getting a vaccination or wearing a seat belt are unnecessary. Don't "good people'' just always pick up their dog poop? Don't all caring parents send their kids to school? Doesn't everyone who believes in science wear a mask in public places?
I often think of the old quote from Plato "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws." Would Plato (and should I) look at a person who drives over the speed limit a "bad" person? How about the old fart at the gym who wears his mask below his nose? The Minnesotan who buys pot off the street? The dad who doesn't put his kid in a child seat? The biker without a helmet?
The difference to me between "good" people and "bad" people is if they consider the impact their choices have on others. I would not fuss at all if someone wants to get plastered and go for a drive - if no one else were on the road. I'd have no problem with letting dogs poop where they may - if neighbors did not have to look at it or smell it and toddlers were not tempted to see how it tastes. A person who chooses to potentially contract COVID19 by not wearing a mask or getting a shot should have that option - except that decision makes it more likely others may contract the virus as well.
Difficult times like these bring these sorts of hard questions to mind, and writing about them helps me personally sort through, if not answers, at least strategies for clarifying them. While I am disappointed that I will not be able to have my hog lot just outside my backdoor, overall, I am happy that that “the government” tells YOU what to do.
Reader Comments (2)
And I am NOT
Such an eleguent and thoughtful response. Thank you.