There is a role for old people in technology (From Machines Are the Easy Part)

From Machines Are the Easy Part; People Are the Hard Part.
Illustrations by Brady Johnson
Final post!
70. Everyone suffers from IDS.
My relationship to technology is encapsulated in my garage door opener.
It has three buttons of which only one seems to have any purpose that I can determine. I believe the opener was designed to purposely aggravate my symptoms of IDS – Intelligence Deficit Syndrome. I am just not smart enough to use technology well.
Who knows what wonders and pleasures could come from learning to use the functions of those other two buttons? Is self-actualization just one combination of button pushes away? Someday I may just need to find and read the manual.
But for now I will use the one big button this weak mind does understand, open and close the garage door, and remain firmly, if mistakenly committed to the idea that I can be a fully-functional, happy person despite how intelligence-deficit technology makes me feel.
71. Take your job seriously, but not yourself.
Gil Carlson, from St. Peter, Minnesota, gave me the advice above when I was working for him. I liked the fact he followed it himself.
I like to ask myself at the end of the day if I did anything that might make a good story one day: one I can tell at the supper table, to my grandkids, to the guys around the campfire, or to the nurse who changes my drool bucket at the nursing home.
Story-less people are folks who take themselves way too seriously, fearful of looking foolish, appearing ignorant, or being wrong. It’s the challenges we’ve faced, the problems we’ve solved, the good we’ve tried to do, and especially the bumps and detours we’ve encountered along the way, that are the basis of interesting tales.
Do something today that will make your story more interesting.
72. There is a role for old people in technology.
John Lubbock, a 19th century astronomer, once wrote:
There are three great questions which in life we have to ask over and over again to answer:
Is it right or wrong?
Is it true or false?
Is it beautiful or ugly?
Our education ought to help us to answer these questions.
I think of those words often when I hear educators worry about kids being more adept and comfortable with technology than those of us who were growing up when the earth was still cooling.
No matter how sophisticated the N-Geners are technologically, in matters of ethics, aesthetics, veracity, and other important judgments, they are, after all, still green. By virtue of our training and life experiences, we can apply the standards of older technologies (the pencil, the podium, the book) to those which are now technology enhanced. And we’d better. Given the choice of having Socrates or Bill Gates as a teacher, I know whom I would choose.
74. Upstream cost, downstream savings.
Now and again, it seems a picture in my house hangs crooked and each time I pass one, I take a few seconds to straighten it.
Conceptually I know that if took five minutes, got a hammer, a nail, a pencil, and a level, I could put in a second nail and never have to straighten the damn picture again.
But like most people, I never seem to have the upstream time it takes to realize downstream time savings. Human nature, I suppose.
That probably the major reason technology is so difficult to get busy educators to use. Convincing someone that learning to create a ,pdf file of an often-requested document, load it to a website, and create a link to it - thereby saving all the time it takes to locate, print, and send the document manually - is a tough sell.
About as tough as it is to convince me to go get the hammer.
75. Advice to children and singles.
Tom Weller has a delightful little book called Minims, now out of print but that can be found (as of Spring 2003) at <>. This is how he defines a minim:
minim ['mInIm] n: a statement expressed in proverbial or sentential form but having no general application or practical use whatever — compare MAXIM.
I have only come up with one minum: Marry for money; repent in leisure.
If you follow that single piece of advice, you can completely stop worrying about lots of other rules, including ones in this book.
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