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Library savings

So far this year, I have read 20 books and listened to 3 audio books. Of these titles, I checked out 10 books and all the audiobooks from my public library via Overdrive’s Libby. I saved about $200 by doing so and am on track to save about $500 over the course of the year. That’s about 40% of what I pay in property taxes on my house. This savings I accrue by using the library doesn’t include not having to purchase Newsweek, The Economist, Kiplingers, Backpacker, and other periodicals I read on a regular basis available on Libby. 

Ironically, the latest book I am reading (checked out via Libby), is A Libertarian Walks into a Bear by Hongoitz-Hetling. This very enjoyable, humorous non-fiction work describes the efforts of anti-tax, anti-government, pro-gun, survivalist, and non-affliated religious individuals trying to create a community and life in a small New Hampshire town. To put it mildly, they struggle without the “interference” of government.

I visit tax-funded parks at least a couple times each week. My children and I attended public schools, both K-12 and college. I like driving on safe, well-maintained roads. I am happy the milk I drink and the meat I consume has passed a government standard. And yes, despite their well-publicized shortcomings, I sleep better knowing law-enforcement patrols our streets. 

It’s rare to find, I suppose, a person who does not think that “government” either does too much or does too little or has its priorities in just the right order. But for those of us who like our parks and libraries and snow plowing, being libertarian is just not all that appealing.


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