Why am I the only sane driver on the road?

Grandson Miles rode with me for a few hours on my road trip to Atlanta for the holidays. I remarked to him, “I’ll bet you a nickel that the next vehicle that passes us is a big, black pickup truck.” I won that nickel - and two more after that.
The 2400 mile round trip to see my son and daughter-in-law and my daughter’s family was for the most part, enjoyable. Except for some fog and a rain/ice storm around Memphis, the weather cooperated and the roads were good (if crowded).
Atlanta drivers, not unlike those here in the Twin Cities, can be crazy as bat shit. I could be going 80mph in a 75mph speed zone, and drivers in both small sports cars and big dark trucks would pass me like I was standing still. Turn signals - what are those? Why can’t I drive under the speed limit in the left lane or pass on the right?
Thankfully, I navigated the long drive without incident and really not even any close calls. But it made me think of something I’d written a few years ago…
Drivers these days come in two varieties - reckless speed heads in giant pickup trucks and left-lane hogging old farts in Buick sedans doing 45 on the interstate. Period. I am the only sane driver on the highways and streets of Minnesota with a long held policy of driving exactly 12% above the posted speed limit.
When I started to ask myself why I seem to be the only good driver out there, it suddenly occurred to me that there are other good drivers out there - I just don't encounter them. Other good drivers are driving the same speed I am - or close to it - they will never pass me nor will I ever need to pass them. If they get on the highway a quarter mile ahead of me or a quarter mile behind me, that is where they will stay - out of sight and out of mind. And who can tell how fast drivers going in the opposite direction are travelling?
Perhaps the same thing holds true of politics. It is only the wing-nuts in both parties who get the notice, not those in the sensible center. What fun is it reading or viewing an opinion that is reasonable, inoffensive, or common sense? The speeders and lane-cloggers of social media are the only ones you really ever encounter. I have faith that the great majority of people share my slightly off-center views.
One final thought occurred to me: are drivers getting worse or am I just getting old? After all, in my misspent youth, I once lost my driver’s license for going 65mph in a 30mph zone. My ‘63 Corvair did not have a working speedometer, but the police officer did not think that was much of an excuse.
Reader Comments (1)
Glad you stayed safe!