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Living in paradise

Paradise: an ideal or idyllic place or state.

Perhaps the Izhcayluma Hostel just outside Vilcabamba, Ecuador is as close as one might come to paradise on earth.

Opened in 2001 by three German brothers, the complex sits high above the town on a steep hillside. One of the brothers told me that when they bought the property, the area was a pasture. Now each of the buildings that contain the restaurant and reception area, a bar lounge area, swimming pool, and buildings containing 40 rooms are hidden by trees, shrubs, and flowering plants that host a myriad of birds. Two cats and an old, sweet dog make the place home as well. The dog made himself right at home in my room this morning.

My room is simple, but very nice ($32 a night). En suite bath with a hot shower in a stone-walled space, great Internet, a private balcony just outside the door, comfortable bed, storage spaces, and a bedside lamp. Good reading chair and hammock on the balcony. The meals are good (many German dishes) and reasonably priced. Breakfast is $3.90 and includes a huge bowl of fresh fruit, granola, yogurt, toast, fresh juice, and as much coffee as you can drink. Wine is inexpensive. Oh, full-bodied 75 minute massages are $25. Staff knows your name and is extremely helpful.

The town is a half hour walk down the hill, along a highway or on a small dirt road. (Met a very nice horse this morning on the road.) Vilcacamba is small but has a lovely central square, church, and lots of small stores and restaurants, mostly catering to tourists. A taxi ride back up the mountain to the hostel is $3. (Ecuador uses the US dollar - nice.) The hiking trails are extensive. 

It is quiet here this afternoon as I write this. A gentle rain is falling. Daytime temps are in the low 70s. The altitude is 5200 feet - lower than either Quito or Cuenca. NIghts get down to the upper 50s. The people are friendly - maybe a little older than the average hostel guest, but then this is more resort than hostel in my view. The Vilcabamba Valley is noted for the longevity of its residents. Not sure about the longevity of the tourists who visit.

While the luxurious Shangri La in Bangkok with its ice cream on the breakfast buffet and stunning views of the Chao Phra river may run a close second (thanks to generous conference organizers I’ve stayed in lots of nice places*), except for the difficult spelling and and pronunciation, Izhcayluma just might now be my favorite place to stay

While I will be happy to get back to family and friends next week, I will take advantage of my week here to read, write, and just relax. Oh, and get a daily massage. I think it may be mandatory.

*A little rant from 2009 about five star hotels



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Reader Comments (3)

<turning green with envy>

February 11, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterKenn Gorman

Ecuador has been on my must-visit list for a long time...and now this place will be added to what will ultimately be a multi-week journey.

February 11, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterJeff J

Hi Jeff,

Other than this place being kind of a pain to get to (4-5 hours south of Cuenca), I can recommend it whole-heartedly. And I don't ay that about many things. Sincerely hope you get here one day.


February 11, 2022 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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