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Escape your reading comfort zone

Despite not being, I'm quite sure, the intended audience (young and female) for Life’s Too Short by Abby Jimenez, it was a fast and surprisingly enjoyable read. The romantic comedy formula was followed, but the characters were amusing and likable. Their family and health struggles were over the top, but the challenges added depth to the characters and interest to the plot. 

Reading it made me realize that I should read outside my comfort zone more often - even rather silly books like this. Even when abs and penises are graphically described from a female perspective. (Again, my demographic was not the intended audience.)

While loafing here in Ecuador over the past few weeks, I’ve had plenty of time to read. I read the title above because it is one of this year’s Minnesota Book Award nominees for genre fiction. A friend of mine and I agree to read all the nominees in the genre category so we can discuss them on our weekly hikes. While much of the category is made up of mystery stories, each year usually includes the odd duck.

I’ve read a number of books this trip that fall out of my usual comfort zone of reading including:

  • Whitaker’s The Mapmakers Wife. Non-fiction history about a scientific expedition to South America in 18th century.
  • Doeer’s Cloud Cuckoo Land. Strange multi-plot book centered around an ancient manuscript.
  • Zusak’s The Book Thief. Historical fiction set in a small town in Germany during WWII with the plot centered around an abandoned girl and her adoptive family.
  • Hardt’s Sex in the Sea. Nonfiction about the strange reproductive practices of marine life.

Throw in a couple mysteries I also read, and you can see I’ve had a productive few weeks.

I’ve always thought I’ve a fairly broad reading range. Mystery and adventure, of course, but I also often read historical fiction and science fiction. But I find it is also rewarding to now and then escape my reading comfort by tackling a best seller or a recommendation by a friend.

Perhaps I should escape my daily real-life comfort zone more often as well. I just might find things I like. And I encourage you to do so as well.


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Reader Comments (2)

I don't really like reading nonfiction books so every year it is my goal to read at least 12 nonfiction books by December 31. I have a few other goals and every month I review my goals to see how I am progressing. Nonfiction books are outside of my comfort zone and if I didn't hold myself accountable I would never read them. A good happy ending romance or an exciting murder mystery is more my comfort zone. I usually achieve this goal every year even though I struggle with it.

February 19, 2022 | Unregistered CommenterPat Hensley


I admire your grit. To me the secret of reading non-fiction is find something that is really interesting or answers personal questions. I also try to choose shorter non-fiction titles. Not sure why, but it seems non-fiction writers tend to add a lot of padding to their work!

Do you use Goodreads to track what you read and share reviews? I love it!


February 19, 2022 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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