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There is a story in everyone

“On one flight when I was working as an attendant, I looked out the window over the wing of the plane and saw two engines on fire. It was pretty unnerving since I knew the pilots were unable to see the engines from the cockpit. You could feel the plane descend rapidly and I wondered if this was the end!”

Nine times out of ten, I am treated to a story by the older clients I take their doctor, hairdresser, and shopping locations. As a volunteer driver, I consider those stories my payment for the service.

The stories vary widely. Great tales of adventures fishing and camping “up north.” Sad stories of beloved pets, long passed, but still alive in the memory of the teller. A rather funny telling of how a water heater broke down on one Thanksgiving when the host’s house had 20 relatives all staying there. Recollections of meeting famous people. Of road trips and international travel. Recollections of beloved cars and good meals. You just never know what these folks might have to say about any given topic.

While few, if any, of these narratives would make a very interesting novel, magazine story, or news headline, each in its own way has value. To the teller, of course, but especially to me, the listener. I have been most fortunate to have lived a life of travel, accomplishment, and adventure - and do my best to continue to do so. So it is rather easy to feel pity for those whose lives seem to have been lived less fully with little travel, dull jobs, no excitement, scarce family, and no public recognition for accomplishments.

But the stories folks tell remind me that they have simply lived different lives, not lesser lives. That they do not deserve pity and that I am sort of an ass for feeling that they should. I need that reminder that humans are unique and all have value.

I can’t wait to hear my next story this afternoon!


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