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Both and...

Any regular writer not discussing the tragic shooting in Texas is insensitive. While I have grown desensitized to adults shooting each other - you read about a few of them in the paper every morning - I am still horrified by our elementary students' deaths. Good grief.

As always, the Uvalde shooting has created an outpouring of prayers*, sympathy, and expressions of grief. But it has also, as always, offered highly politicized methods of preventing such incidents in the future. I am totally disgusted with using tragedies for political gains, regardless of which side of the issue is being argued. Disgusted.

  • The gun crazies say more psychological counseling is needed.
  • The anti-gun loonies say more restrictions on gun ownership are needed.

Those of us in the radical center, say yes - to both. This is not an either or situation. It is a “both and…” 

So many current “issues” should be dealt with by using a “both and” approach.

  • Women should have control over their own bodies.
  • The health of expectant mothers and viable fetuses should be protected.
  • Police methods should be reformed.
  • More police and mental health care workers should be added to communities.
  • College tuition should be forgiven.
  • College tuition loan forgiveness should be means tested.

I don’t know of a single controversial political issue to which a radical center cannot be found by using a “Both and…” approach.

The right solution to these major issues of often moral division will piss off the absolutists on both sides. When in a leadership position in my school districts, I always said that I could never make a decision which made everyone happy, so my goal was to make sure everyone was equally unhappy.

Where is our political party of the radical center? You’d get my vote along with, I am sure, a great many more of us pragmatists. 

*Prayers like acts of kindness only count when done in private and without public recognition. Politicians, don't tell me you are praying. Tell me you are acting.


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