Pockets and travel

The jacket I brought to Europe turned out not to be waterproof. It’s not really breathable. I don’t really like its semi-stretchy material. Its hood doesn’t like to stay up when needed. And it is sort of a boring gray color.
But its one redeeming feature which makes me glad I brought it are its pockets. Lots and lots of pockets. It has two breast pockets with velcro flaps, four outside lower pockets, one zip, one velcro, and an inside zippered pocket. There may be more I am missing. There is plenty of room for reading glasses, sunglasses, packet of tissue, cellphone, maps, pen, and light gloves. The interior zippered pocket is a good place for my passport and wallet. I don’t need a backpack when I wear this thing. I don’t cut the sleekest profile. But then, I wouldn’t be sleek wearing a t-shirt.
In all my travels, I have only been “robbed” once. When returning from a night market in Bangkok, I discovered my cheap wrist watch had somehow disappeared. That’s it.
I am a cautious traveler*. I carry my wallet usually in my front left pocket, preferably a zippered cargo pants pocket**. I use a money belt for the emergency cash I carry. I don’t wear jewelry.
After seeing so many women struggle with handbags and purses, I have alway felt grateful that men don’t seem to need these things. We have pockets which seem to carry what we may need. Men are stupid about carrying their wallets in their back pockets, some seemingly half falling out. Unzipped backpacks are common sights as well.
A good quality raincoat with multiple secured pockets is on my shopping list. Every trip one learns a little something.
* My two rules for safe travel have always been: 1) Never get drunk 2) Always be back in your hotel by 10pm. I am boring, but have always avoided trouble even in “dangerous” places.
** I love zippered cargo pockets in my hiking pants. At home, I always put my car keys in a zippered pocket. I dread losing my keys on the trail and having to search for them over many miles.
Reader Comments (1)
I love ScotteVest. https://www.scottevest.com/
Check it out, Doug.