Early accomplishments

Miles, following in his older brother’s footsteps, was officially recognized as an Eagle Scout this week. This grandpa could not be more proud.
Only 10 short years ago Miles began his Scouting adventures:
My “involvement” with both Paul and MIles membership in Scouts began when I called to ask my daughter if a certain weekend in early November was a good time to come to their home in the Kansas City area for a visit. “Awww, Dad,” she said, “that happens to be the weekend of the joint Boy Scout/Cub Scout campout that I will be helping with… Say, YOU wouldn’t want to be the boys’ chaperone that weekend instead of me?” Much to her relief, I said yes.
Thus began a multi-year annual event of going with Paul and MIles to a camp where the Boy Scouts provided a camping experience, activities, and food for the Cub Scouts in their area. We shot bows and arrows, threw axes, did compass navigation, cooked over open fires, and had evening campfires of ceremony and song. Miles and I usually shared a tent - I remember waking up in the middle of the night and not finding Miles or his sleeping bag beside me! It took a few seconds to realize he and the bag had scooted to the very bottom of the tent where he was curled into a little bundle.
Over the years, both boys made solid progress in achieving Scout goals - ranks, merit badges, leadership positions, and Order of the Arrow awards. They went to camp each summer. They participated in Boundary Water Canoe trips and hiking adventures including Philmont and Rocky Mountain National Park.
I would like to think these early accomplishments have given these two young men the mindset that they are capable of accomplishing challenging goals. Caring parents, good health, strong values, and superior intelligence are a dealt-hand that all children should be able to play for a long and fulfilling life. Paul and MIles experience with the Scouts is just one more card in that winning hand.
Oh, I was also a Scout in my misspent youth. I never made it to Eagle but as I once reflected…
… Boy Scouts did teach me a lot that I still value. I learned that a little hardship while camping or hiking is survivable and makes a good story. I learned that good people always leave a campsite better than they found it - and that perhaps we should all leave the world a little better place as well. The laws of Scouting “A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent” are still my moral compass, even if I can no longer recite them from memory.
Reader Comments (2)
Congratulations to Miles! I think it’s fantastic that you’ve been able to be a part of his Boy Scout journey! Sounds like some fun times were had.
Hi Mandy,
The boys and I (and their mom and dad) all had great experiences with the Boy Scouts. Who will I buy my popcorn from now?