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Blessings of a snow day


I first wrote this back in 2007 - during a snow day when I was employed in a regular day job (if being a tech director could ever be called "regular"). Today, over 15 years later, I vicariously living the pleasures of a snow day for those in schools as both students and employees. You don't work in education for 43 years without a little emotional residue! 

So for all current students and staff, enjoy!


The Mankato Area Public Schools are closed today on account of snow. 

You have to work in schools and live in the northern parts of the United States to understand the real meaning of "snow day."

  • It is God giving you an additional day of life.
  • It is looking out the window and seeing beauty in the snow and wind rather than work.
  • It is getting to that movie, that book, or that task that would have eaten up a weekend - guilt free.
  • It is digging out and fixing a favorite soup recipe that takes too long to make on most days.
  • It is not being jealous of your colleagues'  weather in the South - for at least one day.
  • It is remembering the delight of having a snow day when you were a kid.
  • And the best thing - it is not setting the alarm knowing tomorrow will be a snow day as well. 

Do I sound insufferably smug and happy? Good. I am. 

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Reader Comments (1)

I can relate, since many family members are still involved in education. (as well as being educated.) I’m worried that a snow day may become a thing of the past, as now most of ours are “e-learning days.” 🫤

January 5, 2023 | Unregistered CommenterAnnette

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