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Thoughts while folding laundry…


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A strained knee, limiting my ability to hike and bike, has gotten me contemplating my own mortality (again). 

Life’s too short to:

  1. Fold fitted sheets
  2. Fuss about splitting a restaurant check
  3. Use coupons
  4. Hold a grudge and harbor regrets
  5. Finish reading a book you are not enjoying
  6. Read newspaper articles that are irrelevant
  7. Drive ten miles to save a dollar
  8. Worry if one’s socks match
  9. Watch stupid television shows
  10. Live unconsciously

Life’s plenty long enough to:

  1. Stop at yellow lights
  2. Take a trip
  3. Take a nap
  4. Play a few games
  5. Contact a friend
  6. Go for a walk
  7. Cook a meal
  8. Write a bit
  9. Send a thank you 
  10. Brush twice a day

And on your lists?

Off to the Y to soak my knee in the whirlpool.


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Reader Comments (2)

I do like my socks to match. My feet feel funny if they are different textures or weights. The rest? Oh, yes.

October 6, 2024 | Unregistered CommenterSara Kelly Johns

To each his own, I guess. I remember packing for a speaking gig and bringing two black dress shoes - both for the right foot. I gave my talk wearing my tennies that time!


October 7, 2024 | Registered CommenterDoug Johnson

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