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Influence and distance


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During my career in education:

  • I had a great deal of impact on individuals as a classroom teacher.
  • I had less direct impact on the entire student body and staff as a school librarian.
  • I had even less direct impact on the entire school district staff and students as a technology director.
  • I had still less direct impact on the entire library/education profession as a writer and speaker.

The bigger the group I was trying to teach or influence, the less the overall impact I had on individuals.

For some reason I have been thinking about this as it seems our government is crumbling. Cutting services to the poor, reversing environmental protections, lessening business oversight, turning our backs on our international allies, and no longer trying to help populations that have been historically marginalized are all actions that have made me wonder what I should be doing about these things which may not impact me directly, but will have a long term effect on my children and grandchildren and their peers.

It’s tempting to simply hunker down and believe “this too shall pass.” Take steps to personally prepare for a poor economy, an authoritarian government, and understaffed federal programs. But as Edmund Burke (and history) tells us that "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." 

So while it may have little impact when I as an individual do these things, collaboratively, enmasse, all of us who care should:

  • Vote
  • Contact our representatives in both the state and federal government
  • Write letters to the editor
  • Stay informed with credible news sources
  • Donate to political parties
  • Talk with others, not to persuade, but to learn

Were I younger and more energetic, I would participate in demonstrations and town hall meetings. Run for office. Attempt to influence others on social media. I leave those activities to my younger colleagues.

My circle of concern right now has grossly outgrown my circle of influence. Stephen Covey would not approve. But I will do what I can to bring them closer to alignment.

What readers are you doing to influence politics during this critical time in our country’s history?


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Reader Comments (1)

Thanks for this post. I, too, feel like I should be taking more action. Here are a couple of YouTube videos that may help those of us looking to do something:

I am a retired school technology director and have enjoyed your blog for years. This is the only education-related blog I continue to follow. Thanks for keeping it going.

March 4, 2025 | Unregistered CommenterNanci

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