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Entries in EARCOS07 (1)


Meeting the Thinking Stick himself

utecht.jpgOne of the genuine pleasures of F2F conferences is getting to actually meet and hear the people you admire. Yesterday, I got to meet Jeff Utecht of Thinking Stick blog fame (and his wife).

What you need to know is that Jeff is not just a pretty face, but as good a presenter as he is writer, teacher and idea person. In his one hour session on podcasting, he nailed the basics, gave great examples of student podcasts, and even created a podcast of audience Q&A using his iPod and Audacity. The technology worked and Jeff was clear, lively and engaging.

Jeff, I've always thought podcasts were just blog entries for the illiterate. Maybe I need to rethink. Thanks!

Oh, Jeff has also set up a Technocrati tag of EARCOS07 so folks can follow all the conference blogging.