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Entries in #iste12 photo safari (1)


Photo Safari in San Diego

I spent Sunday morning participating in an Apple Distinguish Educator Photo Safari led by Larry Anderson. (I was there as a guest. I am more of an extinguished educator.) There were probably 50 or 60 folks with very serious cameras. I had my iPhone. Probably just as well since by the time I figure out f-stops, lens, depth of field, etc., it tends to be too dark to take the shot.

Anyway, it was great morning. Beautiful city, fine weather, and a great chance to visit with old friends like David Warlick and Craig Nansen. Here are a few shots from the harbor stroll from Seaport Village to the Midway carrier.


Larry Anderson gets us organized. (He's written THE book on organizing photo safaris. And it's free!)

A couple of my photo buddies, David Warlicl and Craig Nanson - both serious photographers.

It was a day of vibrant colors everywhere.

A see-food restaurant. You could look down in the harbor and see your food swimming around.


A school of fishing craft.

The solo saxophonist was playing a haunting tune, it seemed, as much for himself as for tips.


Tools of the trade.

Lace made of wood.

Color from Mexico.

Fallen leaves. (If there is a rapture, I hope it takes the homeless first.)


Does this say California or what?

I suspect I was not the only one taking a picture of these parrots.

Having fun at ISTE. My session is done so I can relax. 

Flicker stream from the good photographers is here.