Odds and Ends - the old

Part two of cleaning the closet and getting interesting things into my blog scrapbook. Here are some of the things I've felt are worth saving in my Bloglines account.
- Managing complex change from pedersondesigns (my oldest "save.") Yes, I know it is a link to another article, but John's graphic works and the orginal's doesn't always. And it is a great chart - see below.
- From Ganely's bblogging Preparing for Tomorrow's Talk at Orton. A great outline and resources for a workshop I may someday need to give on the social web .
- From Creating Passionate Users: "crash course in learning theory." A great summary of these exciting CPU bloggers best ideas. Also Never Underestimate the Power of Fun.
- From the Eide Neurolearning blog The Efficient Brain Is Having More Fun and Passion and Perseverance Predict Success.
- From Gargoyles Loose in the Library blog, Numbers for the New Year.
- From Let the Good Times Roll by Guy Kawasaki, The Art of Intrapreneurship.
- From The Savvy Technologist, Blogging/wiki workshop at TIES. Another resource for when I need to such a workshop myself.
- From think:lab, The Unconference Rises and Hopefully Brings School With It.
- From Thinking Out Loud!, The 15 Minute Introduction to Blogging. Because sometimes, 15 minutes is all you've got!
- And of course, I should list damn near every entry in Will Richardson's Webblog-ed and David Warlick's 2 Cents Worth blogs. Too many to list individually.
To all those bloggers who delight and inspire me on a daily basis - thanks!
Reader Comments (2)
I try to keep the number of feeds small enough that I don't need the folders. But, sigh, it looks like I may need to begin doing so.
Thanks for the suggestion.