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One other conference snippet

At the MEMO conference I was approached by a rather youngish librarian who remarked that I sounded in my presentation much like I do in my blog. In fact, she thought it seemed she'd read in my blog some of what I discussed in the session, giving her the distinct sensation of "having heard this before."

I believe this is what is commonly known as "Deja Moo: The feeling you've heard this bullshit before."

Do Net Gen librarians read professional journals or only blogs??? 


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Hmmm . . . "do Net Gen Librarians read journals, or only blogs?" Net Gen Librarian? Who me? Not really, but I keep working at it. I've fallen into the mucky Net and can't get out of it, but I keep trying.

I can say, however, that I was reading Doug Johnson's posts (they were called essays or journal articles back then) back before the Internet allowed posts. It might've been pre-Internet, which might've been before some of your parents were born.

And yes, Doug sounds like he speaks, and sounds like he thinks, and he writes what I only dimly think but can't articulate, and he writes it much clearer than I think it, so yes, there is some Deja Moo Vu in there somewhere. Doug has always been entertaining and informative and enlightening no matter the obscure subject matter. Thanks to Doug, I can speak knowledgeably about St. Peter, Slick Chicken Tricks, Saudi Arabia and the Shroud of Turritin in the same sentence, leaving too-young librarians to wonder what the conversation is all about (don't worry, you wouldn't understand the Biblical allusions). Massive Multiplayer Online Games pale in comparison to those real-life experiences.

So . . . what was my point? I found Doug Johnson's blog for the first time tonight, and if anybody can get me to start reading these dam time-consuming blogs -- committing the considerable time out of the excellent adventure which is my real life -- it would be Doug's blog.

Thanks to the backlog of his blogs, I can now fast-reverse (opposite of fast-forward for you Net Gen'ers) and catch up on what has passed me by. Now that's what I call livin'. Excuse me . . . I have some reading to do.
October 18, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterKeith Johnson
And on a day like this when I feel as if I have been trampled by a vertible herd of Deja Moo's - your writing makes me laugh until my cheeks hurt! I LOVE your blog - and am just thrilled that I no longer have to wait for the next professional journal.
October 19, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJacquie Henry
can only speak for myself, obviously - although i like reading professional journals, they are very very expensive. And so I only come across the odd copy passed along by another librarian here or there. I appreciate that they are *not* online - I need some paper in my life, things to carry for the odd moment of reading time. So, primarily blogs. But given a different price structure, I would subscribe to a lot more prof journals.
October 22, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterplentyo'moxie

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