The professional stick

Wanted: One professional stick that would have the following effects on the person struck:
Why yes, it has been that kind of week. Thanks for asking.
Add your own features to the "professional stick." I'm taking orders - want one?
- Whack! would be able to work with others despite personal dislikes.
- Whack! would be unable to whine, only offer practical suggestions for improvement.
- Whack! would not race the kids out the door at the end of the day and actually attend training outside the contract day.
- Whack! would never again mention how many days (hours, minutes, seconds) he/she has until retirement.
- Whack! would actually try something before complaining about it.
- Whack! would read a professional book once in a while.
- Whack! would frame all arguments in terms of what is best for kids.
- Whack! would join a professional organization and not complain about paying for dues.
- Whack! would actually volunteer to do some work for said professional organization.
- Whack! would act happy to be alive.
- Whack! would treat kids and fellow workers with the same respect she/he would like to be treated.
- Whack! would probably not comment on the lack of professionalism of others. (Ouch)

Add your own features to the "professional stick." I'm taking orders - want one?
Reader Comments (3)
#27 Every walking animal is driven to its purpose with a whack - Heraclitus
In Expect the Unexpected Or You Won't Find It - A creativity tool based on the ancient wisdom of Heraclitus - Roger Von Oech
I've just been reading Robert Genn's latest newsletter on the 5 principles behind Starbucks empowerment of people I've been thinking that we'd be in a good place when teachers and students saw learning in a similar way
1 Make it your own
2 Everything matters
3 Surprise and delight
4 Embrace resistance
5 Leave your mark
Yeah, the caveman comes out in me sometimes, I guess.
whack! Get over it
whack! Work is hard...that's why they call it work
whack! Some days you might have to work late
whack! Summers are for recharging and relearning
whack! If the district gives you a PD day use it to learn, not complain
whack! Assume good intentions
Interesting! Must be the moon it's been one of those weeks on this side of the world as well.