Did you know Al Bell?

I always thought Al Bell had the best job in the world. When I was a little boy growing up on the prairie back in the 1950s and 60s, our small school would bring in an Al Bell Production once a year to give an "assembly" program. This is how I am guessing Mr. Bell made his living. Bell and his wife would take a very nice vacation somewhere exotic each summer. Now in small town Iowa circa 1960, "exotic" might have been interpreted a little differently than it is today. I remember some of the places Al traveled were Calgary in Canada, Mexico, Washington State, and Ireland. Anyway, the Bells would go to a place, take some slides, buy a native costume (the more outlandish the better), and couple music recordings. From these materials, he would spend an hour combining his slides, jokes, dancing, and a touch of mania on a stage in front of 500 delighted elementary school kids (and grateful teachers) in a gym or auditorium, in different schools every day throughout the school year. I'm guessing he charged maybe $50 a show, two shows a day. In the late 50's, working even 50 school days a year would have made him a rather nice income.
Does any one else remember Al Bell? I know he existed since I found reference to his programs in school histories on the web. I remember hearing that his home town may have been Menlo, Iowa. Let me know if you remember an Al Bell production - they always started with a ringing school bell.
I thought of Al Bell because I gave a short talk to my Kiwanis club today on my Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu last November. Heavy on slides, a little trivia (there is a depiction of the Last Supper in the Cuzco Cathedral where guinea pig is being served), and a straight account of the rigors of the hike. It was well received, and I thought, I've finally gotten my chance to be Al Bell!
Sometimes accomplishing the small goals are just as satisfying as accomplishing the big ones.
Update: May 2008 Thanks so much for all the responses and memories shared. Keep them coming! This photo came to me via blog reader. She attached a Christmas photo of the Bells from about 1958.
There has been a great interest shown in finding and preserving the films and memorabilia from Al Bell's school programs by those of us who fondly remember him and appreciate the influence he and his wife had on our lives. They infused some wanderlust in many an Iowa farm kid! At some time, I will approach Iowa Public Television or the Iowa Historical Society with the this blog entry and all the interest shown, and hope they will pick up the ball. It may not happen until I retire - a mere 9 years away! In the meantime, if you'd like to leave a comment, sharing you memories of the Bells and leaving information about how family members might be contacted, please do so. Doug
Update: May 2008
Jim Calkins from West Branch Middle School is working on putting together a list of Bell's topics and schools at which he spoke. If have specific information about either of these things, please e-mail Jim at conn53victor (a) mchsi.com. Thanks!
Here are a some newspaper articles from Wright County and Estherville about Al's visits.
Update: March 2010
Another Al Bell post here with a link to a Des Moines Register article about the Bells and a Facebook Fan page.
Update: August 2010
An Al Bell Film Festival, Sept 12, 2010 in Stuart, Iowa and a movement to restore his films!
Reader Comments (212)
As I was looking through the flyers and notices that our customers quite often hang on a board in our bakery, I noticed a flyer saying "Do you remember Al Bell?" I was so surprised as I grew up in a small school in northern Iowa where Al Bell and his wife gave presentations every year! Evidently, his daughters, Becky and Rhea are doing a book signing and presentation at a local Book Shop here in Boone on Wednesday, September 19th, 2012. They are featuring many of his films and costumes as well. I am sure it will bring back lots of memories!
Hi Terri,
I went to the Al Bell film festival about a year ago and i was great fun.
I remember a nice train ride in Boone. Birthplace of Mamie Eisenhower too!
Thanks for your comment,
Check out the book written by his daughter, Al Bell Remembered, and they have DVD's of his show available for sale as well.
Thanks, Bonnie. I've bought both.
Of course I remember Al Bell. Anybody my age who grew up in rural Iowa must have remembered his wonderful programs. I graduated from Gilmore City Iowa in 1972 and it was a special treat when Al Bell came to town. You see, my father was the school superintendent so Mr. Bell would spend the night at our home on the day that he gave his show. (No motels in town) What a treat for a young boy like myself. He had so much charisma that having him in our home was like having a movie star as a guest. He obviously loved what he was doing and loved working with children.
I too found your site by googling Al Bell.I have many fond memories of his annual trips to Woodward Granger. I thought he was fascinating. I always looked forward to seeing him. I remember after a trip to Africa he explained to us how to make a shrunken head. And he had one with him! I also remember a Newfoundland dog and an octopus. Thank you for your blog and keeping his memory alive!
Al Bell visited my elementary school in Batavia, Iowa, several times. I remember one of his presentations from the Middle East, where the people in the film had camels and wore robes. We all loved these productions.
Thanks, Ms Tharp. Al Bell left a lot of us with good memories.
Al Bell came to our school in Ankeny, Iowa for years. In the late 60s, I dated Doug Bell and he had a very good friend by the name of Neil Schultz, also from Ankeny. Doug lived in an apartment building in Ankeny for a while. My friend, Neil became a highway patrol officer. I have fond memories of them both and would love to know what happened to Doug.
Hi Suzanne,
I hope Mr. Bell contacts you. There is an Al Bell Facebook page run by his daughter. You might try to find him that way. Let me know if you are successful!
All the best,
Grew up in the Gilmore City-Bradgate School District and remember Al and his wife coming each year for elementary school assemblies in the early to mid 70s. I definitely remember Spain and the bull fighting video. I faintly remember him bringing bagpipes one year probably after going to Scotland for Ireland. Nostalgic. They left a legacy!
Hi Brett,
A lot of us Iowa kids have vivid memories of Al and his wife giving programs about exotic places!
Thanks for the comment,