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Caught in the RSS feed

Now and then I need to clear out those saved entries from by Bloglines RSS feed. Welcome to my scrapbook...


Two of my favorite bloggers have lately taken to commenting on the size of their blogs. Personally, I think this isize.jpgs unbecoming and invites Freudian-like speculation about what these gentlemen may be compensating for. Big cars, big boats, wives with big, big... hairdos, big antlers, and now big blogs. Guys!

A more interesting question than "so just how big IS my blog audience" is "so just what percent of educators actually read blogs?" One can have a number one education blog but if fewer than 5% of all educators read blogs (my guess), so what?


David Warlick at the 2 Cents Worth blog challenges librarians to share their 30 second elevator speech about why schools need them. Mr. Warlick has become a genuine advocate for school librarians lately (I like to think after visiting our MEMO library conference here). Shoot a message his way to say thanks.

"My job is to make sure all students have the information, technology and critical thinking skills they will need to thrive in a post industrial world, and that they don't just know how to learn, but love to learn."

That would be mine. Today anyway.


 bLaugh - the (un)Official Comic of the Blogosphere is clever in a nerdy sort of way. Feel guilty about spending too much time online if you get the jokes.


I've really been enjoying Pete Reilly's Ed Tech Journeys - probably because I can identify with many of the same issues he writes about as a tech director. Always insightful. Add it to your aggregator.

I'm linking to his Christmas story right here so I don't lose it.  I am also linking to Joe Poletti's Cherokee Wisdom on his Haulin' Net blog. I am a sucker for a tale with a message.

Librarians, if you are not reading Rob Darrow's California Dreamin', you're missing out. 


Need photos of old technology? Check this at Kathy Schrock's  blog. (I'll start writing the name out when she makes it easier to spell.) The rate of change graph on John Pederson's pedersondesigns is a keeper.


Interesting entries that talk about ISTE's adventures into Second Life:  by Minnesota's Tim Wilson at The Savvy Technologist; by Singapore's Jeff Utecht's The Thinking Stick; and by Australian librarian Judy O'Connell's HeyJude. The owner of Thinking Out Loud chimes in too. A bit mixed, but generally positive reactions. Of course after the LWW reads Joel Stein's (very funny) "My So Called Second Life" column, that environment may no longer be an option for me.


 I first encountered Seth Godin's ideas when writing a talk about marketing and stumbling across his concept of The Purple Cow (What is it about your business that makes it stand out from all the other businesses?) For some reason it has taken me forever to find and start reading his Seth's Blog. He probably has more original ideas in a week than I'll have in my lifetime. Pop, pop, pop.

I liked one of his recent entries, Levels of Effort. (He asks that people not blog about the entry, but puts it on his blog?) He lists four levels of marketing effort, ending with "No (Apparent) Effort." I had always thought I was just too lazy to actually market my speaking, writing and consulting services. As it turns out, it's just a "zen" thing. Of course it's easier to look nonchalant about getting such work when it is mostly beer money, not the mortgage payment.


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Reader Comments (6)

Ouch, that hurts. In a statement that's sure to reveal too much, "Doug, I'm married. I don't need to compensate for...well, you know."

Feel free to delete this before my beloved reads it.


Posting anonymously because I don't want to be featured as an ed-tech director that vents via his blog.
January 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterA Fav Blogger of Yours

I like this model for an occasional blog post: Quick reactions to recent entries in the blogosphere. Did you use something like Clipmarks to manage them over time?

By the way, I just moved Haulin' 'Net to a new URL

I will leave the old version as an archive. But time to make some new wine!

January 30, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJoe Poletti
Caught in the RSS feed? so true! January I have been going back over all my clippings in Bloglines - things I promised myself I would go back to for some thinking, and share with others in my blog..... and what I have found out is that there are too many great ideas to write about - and even to think about! let alone get around to sharing! Others are more effecitve than I am at that, so thank goodness for RSS, and for the quality blogging that you and others do to make sure that I don't miss out. Great work Doug.
January 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterJudy O'Connell
Clippings in bloglines? Heck. Thanks for mentioning this!! I hadn't noticed it before. SIGH.
January 31, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMiguel Guhlin
It is tough to do clippings -- I found that I got overwhelmed. I just have to read what I can and be OK about it. As for those who comment on the size of their blogs -- it is good to keep it in perspective. We all like this stage with unknown readers it makes us feel important. But I have often said that I'm a person who blogs not a blogger who persons. Living life is first and sometimes that means taking a dive in the rankings or traffic or whatever. But I'd rather live a good life than have a great blog in the long run. Fortunately with the balance I have now,my blog is improving my life.

Keep blogging and I look forward to seeing you on Wow2 on March 20th!
February 3, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterVicki Davis

hmmm....very interesting!
thanks google

January 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPreeby

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