Building 2.0

It was with great delight that I read Jeff Utecht's Thinking Stick post, Tech Plan Part 4 – Implementation, He had taken and IMPROVED upon an old model of tech planning I had written some time ago. Read all his posts on tech planning. They're great.
While I am still unsure about some Web 2.0 tools like Twitter and Facebook and Ning (being a slow-typing, slow-moving, slow-thinking geezer), I am sure the ease with which professional sharing, reaction, and knowledge building has tremendously improved because of a more interactive web.
And it is fun to think that I am able to corrupt a new generation of tech leaders like Jeff.
From The Thinking Stick blog...
Reader Comments (1)
Hey Doug,
I did use your diagram with my faculty. I hope you don't mind, I've also reposted a drawing of it on a new ning: