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Filtering Follies

Filtering Follies, my most recent TechProof Column for Education World (November 2007) is now available.

Feedback, as always, is welcome! 

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Reader Comments (4)

Well, apparently great minds not only think alike, they think in alliterative synchronicity ;-)

November 9, 2007 | Unregistered Commentersylvia martinez

Very nice article - and very close to what I would consider a good use of filtering software. The unfortunate part is that this would take more time to develop and institute that just clicking the "All" button.
I am fortunate to work in an environment that is much more proactive towards fact, one of the students who was suspended for using a proxy web browser is now in my Advanced Placement Computer Science class. I am also close enough to the IT department to be able to get specific web sites removed from the filter.
I still believe that for certain age groups a filter is appropriate and neccessary - but that as the student's age (and are taught) the filtering should be modified.

November 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKenn Gorman

Hi Sylvia,

My only defense is that I have to send my column in two weeks before publication.

I do appreciate you sending the link to your post. It was great!

All the very best,


November 9, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

Hi Kenn,

I am glad that you commented that for younger kids, filters are appropriate.

I don't have issues with filters as much as I do with how filters are used!

Thanks for writing in,


November 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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