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Wordle-ing a column


Maureen S. Irwin, Director of the Library, in Rye Country Day School, NY sent me the graphic below. She "Wordled" an column I wrote that she'll be using in her school. What a beautiful way to say "thanks"! And thanks back to you, Maureen.

A Wordle cloud for Top Ten Things Baby Teachers Should Know About School Libraries. Note the words WILL, CAN, HELP and STUDENTS are all prominent. Hmmmmm...


Head for the Edge 07-08

Doing a couple unexpected presentations this week (filling in for an unwell friend) hasn't allowed me to respond to the kind people who wrote in with support, advice and compliments about the graduation speech I posted. My apologies. And a blanket - THANKS!

The talk seemed to go well yesterday a Nova Southeastern University. Length of talk was under 20 minutes, no ginormous gaffs, the expected number of laughs, lots of nice remarks after, and no sharp object thrown toward the stage.  (As I flew home, I tried to remember anything from any graduation speech I had ever heard. No luck.)

For some reason I always forget just how emotional commencement ceremonies are. Once on stage (wearing my slimming black graduation gown and cowl), my nervousness was quickly replaced by this huge lump in my throat at the joyousness of the day. For a few minutes I was a little worried my part of the ceremony would be just 10 minutes of blubbering in front of a microphone. And I didn't know a soul there. The recognition for the hard work and accomplishment of these masters, ed specialist and doctoral was truly a celebration and I was humbled to be a part of it.

And the event lasted exactly the planned two-hours. So the university officials were happy.

Anyway, I have had a chance to put my 07-08 Head for the Edge columns on my regular website. Here they are:

Been writing this column since 1995! Good grief.

Back to work on my presentations of the Laptop Institute in Mitchell, South Dakota, tomorrow.

I hope the Corn Palace is as interesting as I remember it from last visit. Quite honestly, I was little disappointed to learn that the institute is being held at a local university, not at the Corn Palace itself.

It's always been my dream, after all, "to play the Palace." 

Corn Palace, Mitchell SD. I remember stopping here on a family trip to the Black Hills in the early 1960s. Built in 1892 to lure settlers to South Dakota, it's where Lawrence Welk got his start.


Filtering Follies

Filtering Follies, my most recent TechProof Column for Education World (November 2007) is now available.

Feedback, as always, is welcome!