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OLPC support

The OLPC blog posts (1, 2, 3, 4) are still racking up comments. A couple notes for Blue Skunk readers/posters:

  1. If you are asking for or giving tech advice about the XO, you will find a more appropriate venue than this blog at the support forums springing up. Among the most active seem to be: and  And of course the OLPC wiki itself has an ever increasing amount of good info.  (I love comments on this blog. I just don't want you all to be frustrated.) Oh, while you are at it, subscribe to Wayan Vota's One Laptop Per Child blog. Good stuff.
  2. I feel sort of bad when folks ask me questions in blog comments but do not provide an e-mail address where I can respond. As I understand it, if you provide your e-mail address in the "optional" blank when adding a post, it won't appear to the general readership, only to me. I do try to respond to all comments, even if only briefly. Everyone likes knowing she/he has at least been heard. And I don't personally know any spammers even if I wanted to sell your e-mail address.

Exciting to see this XO community grow with excitement and frustration in equal measures. As I suppose is true with any truly new thing.

XO Support...xoliquor.jpg


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