Odds and Ends - paperspam

The photo above is a single day's worth of paper spam I've received as a registrant for the NECC conference. Where's the paperless society we've all be waiting for?
If you are blogging or blog reading NECC, my session has its own tag (Tag=n07s582), thanks to Steve Hargadon's good work assigning tags to all the sessions. The SIGMS Forum is (Tag=n07s877). The idea for separate session tags came up in a conference call meeting last week and it was only hours later that Steve has this information up. Amazing. And thank you, Steve.
The old gas grill was shot, so I picked up a new one at the big box store - an inexpensive one since I've always felt the fancier the grill, the higher the expectation of the cook. Anyway, I knew putting the thing together would be a pain in the patootie. And it was. But what made it less so, besides the good but short lived help from grandson Paul, was that all the screws, bolts and other small bits came in a nifty package that clearly identified each piece. Picture above. Perhaps the world is becoming a better place.
I guess my imagination is limited. Just how does one get creative with a storage locker? Have North Mankato business owners been reading Daniel Pink?
While I was driving into work this morning there was a cute story on NPR about creating the perfect CD mix of love songs for a wedding. (With three family weddings this summer, my ears perk up when I hear "wedding.") But was I hearing correctly when the story's author said he made CDs of the songs for all the members of the wedding party? We teach kids this is illegal. I wonder if NPR will hear about it?
Off to Virginia Beach and then NECC is a couple hours. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Oh, you will be able to recognize me by my name badge. (Thanks to Marianne Malmstrom, the KnowClue Kid, for making these.)
Reader Comments (3)
Wow all that paper spam, well I registered 2 weeks ago and havet gotten a single thing. I guess I am either lucky or left out. Anyway reading your Blog and a few others hav inspired to creat my very own blog.
- Anthony
I think I built that same grill this weekend. I too had the package like you have pictured with the screws labeled. However, I couldn't get the screws out without peeling the plastic off the backing board and ended up with all of my screws getting mixed up! Fortunately, the directions had to-scale illustrations of the screws and assorted hardware that you could compare against. There's an interesting morale to the story there about alternative ways of informing.
Hi Jason,
I used a little razor blade knife to just split the plastic over each part a little. Seemed to work.
Sort of nice to know that others share in construction frustration. I've always thought that I would know that I was rich when I never had to buy anything that needed to be put together again!
All the best,