2006-2007 columns online

To the joy of insomniacs around the English speaking world, my school year 2006-07 columns are now online.
These include my LMC Head for the Edge columns:
- The Importance of Bricks, August/September 2006.
- The Decline of Reading, October 2006.
- The Power of Parents, November 2006
- Evaluating Collectively-Created Information, January 2007.
- A Trick Question, January 2007.
- Nickel and Dimed, March 2007
- What Gets Tested Gets Taught, April/May 2007
and my Leading and Learning Media Matters columns:
- Wikipedia - Ban It or Boost It?, October 2006
- Demonstrating Our Impact - Putting Numbers in Context Part 1, Dec/Jan 2006/07
- Demonstrating Our Impact - Putting Numbers in Context Part 2, March 2007
- Your Google Guide, May, 2007 the unexpurgated version - whoo, whoo!
and my Education World TechProof columns which are published online anyhow.
- Is Educational Climate Change Ahead?
- It's Delightful; It's del.icio.us
- Reading the Future
- Free is Good
- Technology and Design
- The 4th “R”
- Disappointed Again
- One Big Room
- My New (School) Year's Resolutions
I was also fortunate enough to have a few feature articles published, including:
- Rules for the Social Web, Threshold, Summer 2007
- Ethical Issues Surrounding Technology Technology Use in Schools," The Education Technology Guide, Issue 15. (Published by the Australian Media Group, Blackburn, Victoria)
- "Skills for the Knowledge Worker," Teacher-Librarian, October 2006.
- "Fight the Zero-Sum Game" Interactive Educator, Winter 2006.
Yes, dear readers, if you would like to use any of this material with your students or staff, please feel free. I retain copyright of my writing, selling rights to first publication only (as I would advise all writers to do).
I roughly estimate that is about 24,800 words total (not counting the blogging). Sleep well, all.
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