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Engagement Filter

From exhibit booth 3516 (If I remember) at NECC:

NEW from RATFInc.
(Reasonably Accurate Technology Filtering Incorporated)

Tired of your students learning rather than paying attention to you, the teacher?

Then get your school to install the Engagement Filter, guaranteed to take enough enjoyment out of online activities that students will no longer be tempted to use the school's computers or network.

You can block categories by the "types" below:



Our company updates its black list on a daily basis, identifying those sites that are shown to be more interactive than the adults in your school.

Delay complete irrelevance now, before it is too late.

Act today and we'll throw in two tech categories guaranteed of student interest that have not yet been invented!

 I'm getting me one of these! I wonder if I install it at home, the LWW will pay more attention to me too?

My only concern is that some sites kids like will not be blocked. Any suggestion for things that need to be added to the filtered list?


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Reader Comments (3)

Did you happen to pick up any of these special giveaways at the vendor booth?
1. Your very own Orwellian growth chart, replete with double-think! Double plus good, Comrade.
2. Ear buzzers, a-la "Harrison Bergeron". Disrupt any moment of thought or reflection with a shattering array of auditory interference.
3. A copy of the company's training video, "Scanners" (in Beta!!!).

June 28, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterken rodoff

I was shocked at the huge number of content filtering and "security" vendors at NECC. It's so sad that a conference on engaging kids with technology is so focused on limiting what they can do (at least on the exhibits floor).

June 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterMike Curtin

Ken, no room in my Best Buy bag, but I am arranging for a demo of a product that removes 90% of the oxygen in the room.

Mike, I noticed this too (hence the blog entry)! I am guessing plenty of people at the conference are sympathetic to the "security" vendors too.


June 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDoug Johnson

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