Second Life is coming back to life

Wow, things are getting busy in Second Life. Check these opportunities out:
Dear SIGMS Member:
The SIGMS is sponsoring a special program in the virtual reality environment “Second Life”. David Loertscher, a nationally recognized expert in school librarianship from San Jose State University, and Robin T. Williams will host a program entitled: “In Command! Teaching Kids and Teens to Build and Manage Their Own Information Spaces And…Learn to Manage Themselves in Those Spaces.” We will look at opportunities and responsibilities related to guiding students in the use of information work spaces that support a world class education. In addition, we will learn about Knowville, a world-wide initiative challenging children and teens, through various organizations, to read a billion books, write a billion books, and do a billion projects.
Time: Tuesday, September 18th from 9pm-10pm ET/8pm-9pm CT/7pm-8pm MT/6pm-7pm PT.
Location: ISTE Island Auditorium (SLURL:
Teleport: If you prefer, IM Amarris Aabye or Corinne Fleury for a teleport to the meeting location.
Tips:If you do not have an avatar account in Second Life (SL), go to <> in advance. Set up your free account, download the client reader software, and sign in after launching the reader. You must access SL from a high-speed connection using a newer computer with quality graphics. (See systems requirements at Become familiar with the basics of communicating and navigating in SL in advance.
Arrive at the event at least 15 minutes prior to the start time. Our events usually fill up the sim and many latecomers are not able to attend.
Hope to see you there!
Lisa Perez, Area Library Coordinator
Department of Libraries & Information Services
Chicago Public Schools, Medill Training Ctr.
(School library media specialists, if you are not a member of ISTE's SIGMS, you are missing out!)
Hello, all!
Here is the schedule of events for the ISTE Island Grand Opening Celebration. The schedule can also be found on the wiki events page…enjoy!!
Welcome to the Grand Opening of ISTE Island!
The Grand Opening will begin on September 17th, and run through October 11th. We hope you enjoy the events and festivities!
Grand Opening Celebration
Sep 17 - Grand Opening Scavenger Hunt Begins
Week 1 Task - Island Tour Exercise: Take pics of your avatar at each of 25 numbered flags around the island and post them on Flickr with ISTEGOSH as the tag.
Sep 18 - ISTE Speaker Series Session, sponsored by SIGMS, ISTE Island Auditorium (6pm SLT)
David Loertscher, a nationally-recognized leader in K-12 school librarianship, will speak about how adults can help teens and kids create their own online collaborative spaces. He will be joined by Ms. Robin Williams, who will brief us on San Jose State University's new projects - a reading/ writing challenge to adults and their students.
Sep 20 - Grand Opening Ceremony and Formal Ball, ISTE Island Beach (6pm SLT)
Sep 24 - Grand Opening Scavenger Hunt
Week 2 Task - Create A Place to Sit: participants are asked to create a seat that can be used for a minimum of one person to sit upon. Seat must be textured (not plywood). Seat must be original creation of the avatar submitting it. Seat must allow ANYONE to sit on it. Seat must be transferrable. Those are the only rules...the possibilities for creative interpretation are endless! Finished items are to be submitted to RavenPhoenix Zenovka to be counted as complete!
Sep 27 - ISTE Island Grand Opening Recital and Reception, ISTE Island Band Shell and Beach (6pm SLT)
Oct 01 - Grand Opening Scavenger Hunt
Week 3 Task - Networking Exercise: Find 4 ISTE-SL members, one born for each year that SL has been up and running (2003-2007).
Make a notecard, listing the 4 avatars, with the following information about each: Avatar Name, Avatar Birth Year, RL School/College Affiliation and RL Favorite Color. Submit notecard to RavenPhoenix Zenovka to be counted as complete! ONE AVATAR PER BIRTH YEAR - no duplicates.
Oct 04 - ISTE Island Grand Opening School Spirit/Homecoming Party, ISTE Island Beach (6pm SLT)
Oct 10 - Grand Opening Scavenger Hunt Ends
Oct 11 - Grand Opening Building Competition
- ISTE Island Grand Opening Closing Ceremonies and Awards (6pm SLT)
Come join the celebration!!
RPZ - RavenPhoenix
I wouldn't miss seeing Dr. Loertscher in Second Life for anything! Say hello to Blue Skunk Johnson if you get the chance.
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